感動的感謝有幸參與《THE ALBUM – In the Name of a Father》音樂會的小小部分製作。神秘委託人提供了需要繪製的物品照片,我選擇了合適的風格進行創作。這次以鉛筆質感的數位繪圖和木顏色筆完成作品,因為描繪的主題是一隻破損的熊毛公仔和一枚草編戒指,這些物品都充滿了深厚的情感能量。
With heartfelt gratitude, I am honored to have played a small part in the production of THE ALBUM – In the Name of a Father music show. A mysterious client provided photos of items for illustration, and I selected a fitting artistic style for the task. This creation was brought to life using pencil-textured digital drawing and colored pencils, reflecting the emotional resonance of the objects—a worn teddy bear and a woven grass ring.
The teddy bear, in particular, as a cherished childhood companion, inspired me to return to the fundamental tools of early artistic expression—colored pencils and graphite—capturing the warmth and sentiment woven into this meaningful story.