Editor : Iemi Chu
Creative & Design : Kin-Wai Chau
Coordination : Inez Chan
Illustrration : Zzzleep Chōng
Editor : Iemi Chu
Creative & Design : Kin-Wai Chau
Coordination : Inez Chan
Illustrration : Zzzleep Chōng
《Book c.》是一本以插畫形式概述 Nicolas Ghesquière 在 Louis Vuitton 擔任女裝藝術總監十年的作品。書中以視覺語言回顧了他在品牌中極具創意的十年歷程。如果想了解更多詳情,可前往 @cityhowwhy 查看編輯記事,或到各大便利店購買實體書。
很榮幸能參與《Book c.》的製作。這本書由 City Magazine 策劃和出版,隨書附贈號外雜誌 Issue#569,並以十塊隨機包裹的流體畫布作為包裝,每塊布的顏色靈感來源於 Nicolas Ghesquière 設計的十套經典服裝。這個創意來自書籍編輯 Iemi 和設計師 Chau,看到實物時令人震撼不已。
Book c. is an illustrated tribute to Nicolas Ghesquière’s ten years as Women’s Artistic Director at Louis Vuitton. Through its visual storytelling, the book celebrates his creative journey with the brand. For more details, visit @cityhowwhy to explore the editor’s notes, or purchase a copy from convenience stores.
It was an honor to contribute to the creation of Book c., curated and published by City Magazine. Packaged with Issue 569, the book comes wrapped in one of ten fluid art fabric covers, randomly selected. The colors of these covers are inspired by ten iconic outfits designed by Nicolas Ghesquière. This innovative idea was conceived by editor Iemi and designer Chau, and seeing the final result in person was truly breathtaking.
My confidence in illustration has always been fueled by the trust of my clients. Working across various fields with diverse styles often means tackling entirely new challenges, making each project feel like a gamble. Yet, it’s this trust from clients, which often surpasses my own belief in my abilities, that keeps me motivated and grateful.
Creating fluid art, however, is more like photography—capturing the perfect flow at just the right moment and stopping immediately. Sometimes, the pursuit of perfection leads to overcorrection, and the most stunning piece is lost in the process. Even though I’ve tried to digitally restore those moments, the gap left in my heart remains, knowing the most beautiful scene will forever exist only in the making-of footage.