為紀念 Ferrari 在香港成立 40 週年,我非常榮幸能參與此次特展,並為 Blackbird Concessionaires 繪製插畫作品。展覽於 2023 年 5 月至 8 月期間在陳列室內展出每個年代的經典 Ferrari 車型。
展出的首批車款為 308 GTS 和 Testarossa,這兩款車象徵了 1980 年代汽車設計的時代精神。其中,Ferrari 308 GTS 因出現在國際電視節目和香港電影中而成為流行文化的象徵,展現了當時自由奔放的敞篷駕駛體驗。而 Testarossa,意為「紅頭」,這款傳奇的 12 缸跑車自 1980 年代中期問世以來,一直令汽車愛好者著迷。其流線型設計與標誌性的側面進氣柵條至今仍為汽車設計的典範。
此次展出的 308 GTS 和 Testarossa 是香港首批於 40 年前引進的 Ferrari 車型,這兩輛車在當時均為全新售出,如今仍由香港的知名 Ferrari 愛好者珍藏。其中,Testarossa 更經由 Blackbird 的 Officina Ferrari Classiche 計劃恢復至出廠時的全新狀態。
展覽期間至 5 月 28 日,於香港淺水灣道 60 號展出。
To commemorate the 40th anniversary of Ferrari in Hong Kong, I am honored to have contributed illustrations for Blackbird Concessionaires as part of this special exhibition. From May to August 2023, iconic Ferrari models from each decade are showcased in the showroom.
The initial featured models are the 308 GTS and Testarossa, which symbolize the automotive design spirit of the 1980s. The Ferrari 308 GTS became a pop culture icon through appearances in international TV shows and Hong Kong films, representing the carefree thrill of open-top driving in that era. Similarly, the Testarossa, meaning "Red Head," is a legendary 12-cylinder sports car that has captivated automotive enthusiasts since its debut in the mid-1980s. Its sleek, aerodynamic design and distinctive side strakes remain a paragon of automotive excellence.
These two models represent the first generation of Ferrari cars sold in Hong Kong 40 years ago. Both vehicles were sold as new at the time and are still cherished by notable Ferrari enthusiasts in Hong Kong today. The Testarossa has even been restored to factory-new condition through Blackbird's Officina Ferrari Classiche program.
The exhibition runs until May 28 at 60 Repulse Bay Road, Hong Kong.
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