在《Blackbird Watch Manual》第九期中,我很榮幸為這份以「可持續性」為主題的特刊繪製插畫,並參與其中的創作。特刊探討了全球可持續發展議題,以及製錶業如何因應並調整未來的發展架構。
我們的內容以 Chopard 為起點,介紹其在可持續發展方面的前瞻性舉措,特別是承諾未來所有 Chopard 手錶將採用 Lucent Steel 材質。正如 Karl-Friedrich Scheufele 所言,可持續性與製錶業密不可分。
此外,Blancpain CEO Marc Hayek 致力於喚起人們對海洋環境的關注,而 Fifty Fathoms 五十噚系列 70 周年紀念也將可持續性議題推向了前沿。我們還深入 IWC 製表中心,了解該設施如何以可持續性為核心優化製造流程。同時,也回顧了 Walter Lange 致力於確保其曾祖父遺產在現代延續的努力。
除製錶業外,特刊的探索範疇還擴展到包括美食、電動車趨勢、Bill Gates 的倡議、Pininfarina S.p.A. 的傳承,以及航太產業在可持續發展中的定位等主題。
《Blackbird Watch Manual》第九期現已在公司官網及香港部分報攤與書店發售
In the ninth volume of Blackbird Watch Manual, I am honored to have contributed illustrations for this special issue dedicated to the theme of sustainability. The issue explores global perspectives on sustainability and how the watchmaking industry perceives, adjusts, and adapts its structure for the future.
We begin with Chopard’s pioneering approach to sustainability, most notably their initiative to use Lucent Steel in all future Chopard watches. As Karl-Friedrich Scheufele remarked, sustainability and watchmaking are inseparable concepts.
Blancpain CEO Marc Hayek has demonstrated a strong commitment to raising awareness of oceanic preservation, with the recent 70th anniversary of the Fifty Fathoms series highlighting sustainability efforts. We also explore IWC’s Manufakturzentrum to see how the facility has streamlined production with sustainability in mind, and reflect on Walter Lange’s dedication to ensuring his great-grandfather’s legacy flourished in modern times.
Beyond watchmaking, the issue broadens its exploration to cover topics such as gastronomy, the EV trend, Bill Gates' initiatives, Pininfarina S.p.A.'s legacy, and the role of the space industry in sustainability.
Blackbird Watch Manual Volume 9 is now available on our website and at select newsstands and booksellers in Hong Kong.
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Photo from: @blackbirdwatchmanual

Breather - Yoshiaki Fujisawa
眠る季節 - Yoshiaki Fujisawa
深海 - Yoshiaki Fujisawa